boxkit.api._create module

Module with implemenetation of api methods

boxkit.api._create.create_dataset(storage=None, **attributes)

Create a dataset from a file

Return type

Dataset object

boxkit.api._create.create_region(dataset, **attributes)

Create a region from a dataset

  • dataset (Dataset object) –

  • attributes (dictionary of attributes) –

    { ‘xmin’low x bound

    ’ymin’ : low y bound ‘zmin’ : low z bound ‘xmax’ : high x bound ‘ymax’ : high y bound ‘zmax’ : high z bound }

Return type

Region object

boxkit.api._create.create_slice(dataset, **attributes)

Create a slice from a dataset

  • dataset (Dataset object) –

  • attributes (dictionary of attributes) –

    { ‘xmin’low x bound

    ’ymin’ : low y bound ‘zmin’ : low z bound ‘xmax’ : high x bound ‘ymax’ : high y bound ‘zmax’ : high z bound }

Return type

Slice object