boxkit.library._data module
Module with implementation of the Data class.
- class boxkit.library._data.Data(**attributes)
Class to store handles for physical data
- Parameters
attributes (Dictionary of attributes) –
'nblocks' : total number of blocks, 'nxb' : number of grid points per block x direction, 'nyb' : number of grid points per block y direction, 'nzb' : number of grid points per block z direction, 'xguard' : number of guard cells x direction, 'yguard' : number of guard cells y direction, 'zguard' : number of guard cells z direction, 'inputfile' : hdf5 inputfile default (None), 'remotefile': sftp remote file default (None), 'variables' : dictionary of variables default ({}), 'storage' : ('numpy', 'zarr', 'dask', 'pyarrow')
- _create_dask_objects()
Create dask array representation of data
- _create_h5_datasets()
Create h5 datasets for empty keys in variables dictionary
- _create_numpy_arrays()
Create numpy arrays for empty keys in variables dictionary
- _create_numpy_memmap()
Create numpy memory maps for empty keys in variables dictionary
- _create_pyarrow_objects()
Create a pyarrow tensor objects
- _create_zarr_objects()
Create zarr objects
- _set_attributes(attributes)
Private method for intialization
- _set_data()
Private method for setting new data
- addvar(varkey, dtype=<class 'float'>)
Add a variables to data
- delvar(varkey)
Delete a variable
- purge(purgeflag='all')
Clean up data and close it
- type_ = 'default'