boxkit.library._data module

Module with implementation of the Data class.

class boxkit.library._data.Data(**attributes)

Bases: boxkit.cbox.lib.library.Data

Class to store handles for physical data


attributes (Dictionary of attributes) –

'nblocks'   : total number of blocks,
'nxb'       : number of grid points per block x direction,
'nyb'       : number of grid points per block y direction,
'nzb'       : number of grid points per block z direction,
'xguard'    : number of guard cells x direction,
'yguard'    : number of guard cells y direction,
'zguard'    : number of guard cells z direction,
'inputfile' : hdf5 inputfile default (None),
'remotefile': sftp remote file default (None),
'variables' : dictionary of variables default ({}),
'storage'   : ('numpy', 'zarr', 'dask', 'pyarrow')


Create dask array representation of data


Create h5 datasets for empty keys in variables dictionary


Create numpy arrays for empty keys in variables dictionary


Create numpy memory maps for empty keys in variables dictionary


Create a pyarrow tensor objects


Create zarr objects


Private method for intialization


Private method for setting new data

addvar(varkey, dtype=<class 'float'>)

Add a variables to data


Delete a variable


Clean up data and close it

type_ = 'default'